Thursday 25 October 2018


Today, the web is ablaze with talking about blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. It shows up inside and out that truly matters to be among the best examples of the front line time. From electronic life to news conveys and even government authorization, it is hard to go a singular day without something Cryptocurrency related being in the news. The talk on the topic is extraordinarily dazzled with strong estimations on all sides of the multi-faceted way that is the advanced money conflict. There are the people who think of it as an air stash and there are other individuals who say it can annoy the overall economy. 

Blockchain technology which is the inside Technology behind the cryptocurrency is doubtlessly depicted as an important disruptor of the overall business process. In any case, it appears as though essentially more thought is being paid to cryptocurrency than to blockchain Technology. Various representatives have bounced on the impermanent prevailing fashion to make ICO fights, pitching tokens to the overall public and raising a colossal number of dollars. In less than a long time since Satoshi Nakamoto familiar Bitcoin with the world, an incredible arrangement seems to have happened in the advanced cash space. The point of convergence of this article is to take a gander at the impact that cryptocurrency is having on the overall economy.
in case you are hunting down a platform inclined to be completely disturbed by blockchain technology, look not any more remote than the BitcoinBing.

BitcoinBing is a Cryptocurrency commercial center with special highlights and improvements that improve it than some other run of the mill cryptographic money exchange. Utilizing the shared design, which the whole blockchain idea is based on, BitcoinBing gives supreme control to its clients over their coveted Cryptocurrency exchange arrangements, procedures, and systems.
1.       Bitcoinbing exchange empowers every one of the clients to put the exchanges on Zero percent expense
2.       Bitcoinbing wallet offers security with blockchain assurance which seals each exchange solidly
3.       Bitcoinbing will give help round the clock by the all-around prepared experts on the platform

Our Vision
BitcoinBing's vision is to raise the standard of desire over the business and to convey a world-class involvement with an uncommonly ground-breaking exchanging motor, dynamic platform improvement, and an adaptable interface. We are handling issues that range the business and our platform is devoted to the client base. Bitcoinbing is an adjusting support in the blockchain space and quickening mass selection. This venture is centered around streamlining the exchange with the enlistment of Cryptocurrency and blockchain. It is an undertaking to usher the world into a protected and solid system. Bitcoinbing will anchor the interests of its clients in all angles. Its proverb is to facilitate the manner in which individuals make their exchanges today. With shared engineering, this platform will kill the benefit for each client.

The on-location Bitcoinbing coordinating motor has a wonderful exchange preparing limit that can deal with up to 1,000,000orders/second. Bitcoinbing clients are saved from the inconvenience of sitting tight for their requests to escape a line which in a few cases can take days or even a long time to process. This platform offers every one of the administrations that an average exchange gives, for example, spot exchanging, edge exchanging, mysterious moment exchange, and decentralized exchange.

Not with standing that, it likewise offers the capacity to direct over-the-counter and shared exchanging of fiat and Cryptocurrency in an adaptable and secure way. In Bitcoinbing, clients mean what digital currencies they have and what conversion standard they will offer with, and different clients react to them and consult until the point that an understanding is come to. After doing that, a brilliant contract is consented to stipulate what amount is to be exchanged on the two sides, how the exchange of significant worth is to be made, and inside what time span these occasions are to occur. With the end goal to guarantee that clients are not deceived of their cash or generally foiled, a rating and survey instrument exists for every year to pick up nearby trust appraisals, which assists clients in settling on basic choices about who to work with.

Bing Token
Bing token is Bitcoinbing platform's local token which supplies dealers zero exchanging charge, when exploitation it to pay an expense for exchanges made on Bitcoinbing exchange. This implies Bitcoinbing raised capital, propelled with a valuable item and in a split second had a sensible utility to learn clients. An utility token could be a helpful token that, through sensible contract writing computer programs, is used in numerous elective ways that. just in the event of Bing, it is acclimated get hold of administrations at interims the platform moreover like zero exchanging charge.
• Bing tokens are utility tokens.
•Revenue shared highlights will be included future.
• Bing tokens can be utilized to exchange different cryptocurrency.
• Benefit of Bing tokens may ascend as the volume of exchange increments on the exchange.
• Extraordinary approach to enhance your crypto portfolio.

BitcoinBing's Features:
•Zero cost structure
•Multiple currency pairs
•The table stops full
•Redemption at this time
•Desktop and Cellular Applications
•Exchange Competition and Airdrop Distribution
•Direct chat
•Instant withdrawals and deposits
•Bingo Token

Token Info
Name: BitcoinBing
Token: BING
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20

Price of preICO: 1 BING = 0.50 USD
Prices in ICO: 1 BING = 0.50 USD
Tokens for sale: 150,000,000

Investment info
Min. investment: 0.2 ETH
Receive ETH: BTC
Distributed in ICO: 15%
Soft stamp: 4,000,000 USD
Hard stamp: 40,000,000 USD


Bitcoinbing ICO:
ANN thread:

Username: Lordphyl
Profile Link:;u= 2444388
Eth Address: 0xfe3c843f46784a0443aeb2e745ea1cfe20d0ac46


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