Tuesday 23 October 2018

MUZIKA - Music World through Blockchain

Today, the web is ablaze with talking about blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. It shows up inside and out that truly matters to be among the best examples of the front line time. From electronic life to news conveys and even government authorization, it is hard to go a singular day without something Cryptocurrency related being in the news. The talk on the topic is extraordinarily dazzled with strong estimations on all sides of the multi-faceted way that is the advanced money conflict. There are the people who think of it as an air stash and there are other individuals who say it can annoy the overall economy.
Blockchain technology which is the inside Technology behind the cryptocurrency is doubtlessly depicted as an important disruptor of the overall business process. In any case, it appears as though essentially more thought is being paid to cryptocurrency than to blockchain Technology. Various representatives have bounced on the impermanent prevailing fashion to make ICO fights, pitching tokens to the overall public and raising a colossal number of dollars. In less than a long time since Satoshi Nakamoto familiar Bitcoin with the world, an incredible arrangement seems to have happened in the advanced cash space. The point of convergence of this article is to take a gander at the impact that cryptocurrnency is having on the overall economy
in case you are hunting down a platform inclined to be completely disturbed by blockchain technology, look not any more remote than the Muzika

About Muzika Network
Past music blockchain projects have ignored the significance of an expansive user base to accomplish wide scale reception. These projects have exhibited that it is conceivable to give a higher commission rate to specialists for their work utilizing Smart Contract exchanges. In any case, for craftsmen, the low commission rate offered from conventional music spilling applications that had enormous user bases were more appealing than blockchain applications utilizing Smart Contract exchanges. For example, a 10% commission of $1,000 from iTunes was desirable over 90% commission of $1 from a Smart Contract exchange.
Muzika means to give artists the best of the two universes: a higher commission rate for their imaginative substance and a solid client base. Muzika has built up a solid framework for boosting fans to add to the Muzika ecosystem. These impetuses will fabricate the client base vital for Muzika to give both higher commissions to craftsmen alongside the mass user base of conventional music spilling destinations. The system impact from a mass user base will be simply the way to building up an independent, managing ecosystem. At the end of the day, Muzika can furnish performers with 90% of $1,000.
Muzika has effectively made huge accomplishments towards the improvement of an economical answer for wasteful aspects in the computerized music industry. In 2015, prime supporters of Muzika saw an open door in the online instrumental music industry and began online instrumental music stage Mapia company. In a little more than 3 years, Mapia company has turned into the #1 worldwide instrumental music stage with more than 2 million clients. Muzika will expand upon this current user base and network.
The association starting at now approaches 2 million powerful customers from their originators' past undertaking, Mapia Company. Moreover, Muzika has set up a specific relationship with Ontology, and what's more business associations with Blackhorse, Panony and Duane Morris and Selvam LLP. Their present money related pros fuse NEO overall capital, Ontology, 256 Ventures, Blackhorse, and other dug in players in the blockchain space.
The Muzika gather contains 3 business visionaries who have been viable in their past undertakings and were also incorporated into Forbes '30-Under-30'. Together, they mean to go up against a $45 billion music industry by wiping out inconsequential center individuals, drawing in specialists and purchasers, decentralizing the scattering of power, and restoring the equality of money related allotment among market players.

What makes us unique?
The past music blockchain venture has disregarded the significance of an extensive client base to accomplish wide acknowledgment. These projects have demonstrated that it is conceivable to give craftsmen a higher commission for their work on Intelligent Contract Transactions. For specialists, be that as it may, the low commission rates of conventional music gushing applications with a substantial client base are more alluring than blockchain applications with brilliant contract exchanges. For instance, a 10% commission of $ 1,000 from iTunes is desirable over a 90% commission of $ 1 from a keen contract exchange.

Music Industry: The music industry is an industry loaded with substitute delegates, theft and financial irregular characteristics - markets that are prepared for blockchain and their innovative vision. Musicians and fans are the makers of genuine incentive in the music industry today,
yet, they are not appropriately esteemed for their esteem creation.
Musicians are starving. Everybody records to music, more individuals pay for music, yet at the same time, specialists don't profit.
Fans (that is us) are as yet thought about buyers, despite the fact that we are individuals who truly make hotshots! We offer our opportunity and exertion to pick, make cover tunes, viral, and notwithstanding composing fiction for our most loved craftsmen, yet nobody values our endeavors and devotion.
Middle people (distributors and platforms) make over the top benefits for one basic assignment and don't 'exchange' values prepared to utilize.

While music blockchain projects for the most part center around distributed exchanges, we trust that the whole industry is because of the absence of system impacts - platforms and gatherings. for example, Spotify, iTunes, and Universal Music proceed. The industry can't be reclaimed basically by presenting a framework that permits a more prominent offer of pay for musicians - the key lies in fans. Fans must participate in the framework with the goal that net wage winds up significant. For instance, 10% of 100 dollars from iTunes is superior to 80% of 10 dollars from a free distributed exchange framework. That is the reason rather than the exchange system we call the original blockchain music, Muzika will alter the music industry by building a standalone and clear computerized music ecosystem that will (1) take out pointless go-betweens, (2) enable musicians and purchasers, (3) decentralize the intensity of dispersion, and (4) reestablish monetary equalization among business sectors players. Muzika holds the guarantee of things to come where monetary remuneration for music creation is corresponding to the exertion and devotion that is joined into the innovative procedure. An itemized ecosystem structure clarification is plot in our white paper.


Muzika will make a self-governing, self-maintaining ecosystem driven by craftsmen and their fans couple, where pay and rewards will wind up relative to the level of commitment put into melodic manifestations and ecosystem behind them.
The savvy contract will enable advanced melodic items to be exchanged specifically from craftsmen to fans, guaranteeing more pleasant and more straightforward monetary dispersion.
Fans will be compensated with devotion focuses for their different network exercises, which will be frequently changed over into MZK coins – the sole medium of exchange for every financial action in the ecosystem.
Fans will have chances to make guide sponsorship to their most loved specialists, supporting them and accepting selective advantages consequently.

Total number of tokens 1,000,000,000
% for salen 20.5 %
Total number of tokens for sale 205,000,000
Hard-cap 20,000 ETH


The music business has continually faced challenges with respect to automated copyright organization, and regardless of the way that blockchain development will empower individuals to make mind blowing strolls in dealing with those issues through more significant straightforwardness, Muzika will, regardless, need to deal with the issues around affirming the validity of ownership going before the work being enlisted on the blockchain. With a gathering of exceedingly skilled and experienced coordinators and designers, Muzika is especially arranged to clarify these challenges finally irritate the stale yet dynamically critical propelled music industry.

For more information:
Website : https://www.muzika.network/
White paper : https://www.muzika.network/assets/mzk-whitepaper-en.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/muzika_english
Social media : https://twitter.com/muzika_official | https://www.facebook.com/muzikanews/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/muzikaofficial/
Medium : https://medium.com/@muzika_official
Athor: Lordphyl
Profile BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2444388


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