Sunday 25 November 2018

GOEUREKA - Start your Journey


GOeureka might be a hindrance structure booking stage that has unexampled edges for inns and their clients around the globe. OTA creates in regards to seventieth of on-line structure booking, and this has influenced the inn's immediate requests, overall revenues, and faithfulness programs. GOeureka, wants to change the content, starting by putting inns and clients. exploitation blockchain technology, GO wants to benefit inns and clients by making commission orders, tolerating installment through crypto changes that don't have commissions available and transforming antiquated devotion programs into an entirety. 

Rule Of Task
Present day technology has to some degree effectively made changes in accordance with the business. More traveler undertakings are leaving the system, offering more ideal terms and spending arrangements. At times, delegates procure more than the inns themselves. The administration proposes to take out the additional connection, enabling inns to work with clients straightforwardly.
Guide client benefit enables you to show signs of improvement benefit at a lower cost. In the meantime, the lodging itself stays operating at a profit, saving money on the installment of commission.
The system offers many intriguing arrangements that enable you to ideally deal with your time and assets.

The GOeureka Vision
GO incorporates an endeavor to create a web conspire wherever organizations flourish by giving the best administrations to explorers. As an technology accomplice for the structure business, GO can give a simple and direct application and net ability to clients while not the high commissions on generally destinations. By discharging up assets for inns, GO can make it the potential for them to supply a higher customer cost and fix with their assets.

GOeureka straightforwardness and Blockchain
A key element of blockchain is obligation. Go can utilize the square bind to affirm bookkeeping and straightforwardness inside the plan. Go can swap the installment system for the game, used by most travel organizations. The stage will be fair, and no commission will be charged to clients. On GO, you'll now not should pay cash for perceivability. All showcases and query items are going to be determined by the execution of the building and client audits. Run will coordinate with the property the executives PC code of the building through a key organization.
One of the issues that GO can tackle is detached dependability programs. nowadays every carrier, lease a-car service and building can have their very own unwaveringness program. This makes it troublesome for standard clients to gather enough indicates pay off critical prizes.

The Most Effective Method to Profit by The Administration
The system effectively empowers the utilization of its own cash for repayments. You can make installments with tokens, pay with standard cash from any card. Be that as it may, not a little commission is charged for the estimation. Utilizing your own administration token, you can set aside to five percent on installments.
The possibility of ​​the system is full straightforwardness in the travel industry division. Lodgings get the chance to work with clients straightforwardly, to stay away from the expenses related with paying percent of the visit administrators, publicizing.
The customer gets not just more ideal costs, better conditions. He can be repulsed by target conclusion, staying away from the generalization forced by promoting.
Many intriguing, high-class inns were compelled to stay in the shadows, on account of the manages, furious rivalry, publicizing purposeful publicity organizations. Absolved subsidizes the inn will have the capacity to spend on advancement, making the best conditions, which will permit to raise its appraisals and participation normally.

GOEureka ICO details

Beginning: June 1, 2018
Basic ICO
Name: GOeureka
Ticker: GOT
Price: 1GOT Token 0,30 USD
Start: July 1, 2018
Ends: July 31, 2018


1. Tokens Generated

2. Distribution

links for my Info:

Official website:
Branch on the BTT:
White paper (WhitePaper) (in Russian):
White paper (WhitePaper) (in English):

Author:  Lordphyl
Link to BTT profile:;u=2444388
Eth wallet: 0xfe3c843f46784a0443aeb2e745ea1cfe20d0ac46



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