Wednesday 28 November 2018


Today, the web is on fire with discussing blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. It appears all around that genuinely matters to be among the best instances of the cutting edge time. From electronic life to news passes on and even government approval, it is difficult to go a particular day without something Cryptocurrency related being in the news. The discussion on the theme is remarkably astonished with solid estimations on all sides of the multi-faceted way that is the propelled cash strife. There are the general population who consider it an air stash and there are different people who say it can bother the general economy.
Blockchain technology which is within Technology behind the crypto-fiat  is without a doubt delineated as a critical disruptor of the general business process. Regardless, it seems like basically more idea is being paid to cryptographic money than to blockchain Technology. Different agents have bobbed on the ephemeral winning style to make ICO battles, pitching tokens to the general open and raising a titanic number of dollars. In under quite a while since Satoshi Nakamoto comfortable Bitcoin with the world, a staggering plan appears to have occurred in the propelled money space. The purpose of intermingling of this article is to look at the effect that cryptocurrency  is having on the general economy.
in the event that you are chasing down a platform slanted to be totally irritated by blockchain technology, look no more remote than the Wellmee.

About Wellmee
Wellmee is a cell application which for the most part coaches you in your reality as per your particular identity and necessities. Developed on unnatural insight the Wellmee application realizes what their identity is truly it invigorates and engages you particularly. With this sort of application, you could have your fitness coach dependably along, ceaselessly enhancing your prosperity. Moreover, this product can help with the commitment of representatives inside their workplace. For this explicit reason, there are Wellmee tokens which might be utilized by organizations to impetus their laborers for applying this application. These sorts of tokens will have a lot of worth, all things considered, commercial centers.
Wellmee is one of a kind. From one viewpoint, this brings versatile programming which helps individuals to experience their lives better. In any case, it makes an unmistakable environment expected for bosses and representatives. Wellmee's point is simple - to enhance the health of every shopper. Together with Wellmee tokens, that makes it feasible for business managers to prize the representatives who likewise utilize Wellmee application, in light of the fact that a more joyful individual shows more prominent outcomes at work as well.

Wellmee is uncommon. From one perspective, WELLMEE brings a portable application that enables individuals to experience their lives better. furthermore, then again, WELLMEE makes a one of a kind Ecosystem for business visionaries and workers.

What is the reason for WELLMEE
The motivation behind Wellmee is extremely straightforward, to be specific to enhance the welfare of every client. Together with Wellmee tokens, this enables organizations to compensate representatives utilizing the Wellmee application on the grounds that more joyful individuals likewise demonstrate better outcomes at work.
Wellmee application is altogether private - no interpersonal organization
The manner in which it works is upheld by discoveries from real investigations in positive brain science
Utilizing man-made consciousness and machine learning
Biological system Tokens advantage representatives, business visionaries, and markets

The Problem
Individuals expectedly inspect for inspiration and difficulties and manage and extricate up and fun Dejected laborers cost the U.S. itself somewhere in the extent of $450 and $550 billion in lost viability reliably 7 out of 10 US laborers aren't trying to their most extraordinary limit 87% of C-Suite ascendant elements outwardly see that pulled back specialists are a standout amongst the most sincere dangers to their business

The Solution
The application subject to AI and machine adapting Just private — no social sodality, using Wellmee database Fortified up by basic examinations on positive personality ask about Ameliorates the obligation of representatives From client side to gather an incredible working environment success natural system where boss can reward operators with respected Wellmee tokens.

Wellmee Prototype

 Wellmee Executive Summary


Token: WLME
Price: 1 WLME = 0.05 USD
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
MVP/Prototype: Available
Platform: Stellar
Accepting: ETH, XLM
Soft cap: 7500000 USD
Hard cap: 25000000 USD
Country: Czech Republic
Whitelist/KYC: KYC
Restricted areas: China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Macedonia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco






Ann Thread :

Author: Lordphyl
My BTT:;u=2444388


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